“Meet” the Finalists

The finalists for the 32nd annual Minnesota Book Awards talk about their work and inspiration in online panel discussions.

Instead of an in-person event, this year we held online video discussions with the 2020 Minnesota Book Awards finalists from each category so you can get to know them and their work. Winners will be announced live at the virtual Ceremony on Tuesday, April 28, 2020.

Click here for the playlist to watch of all discussions or pick a category discussion below.

Children’s Literature

General Nonfiction

Genre Fiction

Memoir & Creative Nonfiction

Middle Grade Literature + Young Adult Literature

Minnesota Nonfiction

Novel & Short Story


The Minnesota Book Awards is a year-long program that connects readers and writers throughout Minnesota with the stories of our neighbors.

The process begins in the fall with book submissions and continues through winter with two rounds of judging. Winners are announced at the annual Minnesota Book Awards Ceremony each spring. Woven throughout the season are various activities and events that promote the authors and connect the world of Minnesota books – writers, artists, illustrators, publishers, editors, and more – to readers throughout the state.

