The face of the library patron is changing, and the Saint Paul Public Library is exploring ways to diversify programs and services to meet the needs of changing demographics. Responding to the explosion in demand for e-books, music downloads and other digital content, our library is adjusting to the “new normal” with continuous improvement and tech-savvy staff. The library is serving the customers’ varying needs and wants while fulfilling its enduring mission to promote learning.
The Friends continues to do amazing things for our Library. We provide over $1 million in financial support every year, and we have held some of the most popular literary events in Saint Paul and the state. As a supporter, you can take a great deal of pride in that.
As you read through the report, you’ll see evidence of your generous support in the innovations being made by the Saint Paul Public Library, the enthusiastic use of these services by our diverse community, and the positive impact of our shared efforts. We want to thank you and the thousands of individuals who helped make this essential work possible.
Peter D. Pearson
President, The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library
P.S. If you agree that our shared efforts are making a difference – especially for the children of Saint Paul – please consider making an additional gift today in support of the Library’s Summer Reading Program. Thank you!