Tom Foster is a native of Saint Paul and of the Saint Anthony Park neighborhood. He received his B.A. from the University of Minnesota, his M.A. in Reading from the University of Wisconsin at River Falls, and his Education Specialist certificate from the University of Saint Thomas. He taught in St. Paul Public Schools for 17 years and was a principal for 23 years, ending his career as a principal at Saint Anthony Park Elementary School. He is married to the former Barbara J. Treanor and they have six children, 26 grandchildren, and 4 great-grandchildren.
Say his name, and just about everyone in St. Anthony Park knows who he is and all he has done for his neighbors and their children. He volunteers at the library where he got his first library card (St. Anthony Park) as a book mender and as a puppeteer and storyteller for the Friday morning story times and for the kindergarten classes from St. Anthony Park Elementary. Sharing his love of reading and early literacy with hundreds of children through the years, he is much more than an entertainer. His commitment to early literacy through puppets, stories and songs has enriched the lives of children and adults alike, and shows that he shares the vision and goal of the St. Paul Public Library that every child is ready for kindergarten. Mr. Foster, along with his menagerie of furry puppet friends, has partnered with library staff and another wonderful volunteer, Deena Strohman, for more than 11 years, making children smile, laugh, applaud, and learn essential reading skills.
Many have enjoyed the original puppet shows Mr. Foster has written, perhaps especially his version of “The Three Billy Goats Gruff”and his solution to the stranding of a blue whale: “Have King Kong throw him back!” It has also been a great pleasure to harmonize with him during the opening song, “If You’re Happy and You Know It.”
Nothing compares to the energy Mr. Foster brings to storytimes; the lights dim in the auditorium, the spotlight shines on the puppet stage, the children breathlessly anticipate seeing the puppets and hearing the stories Mr. Foster will share with them.
Tom Foster lives a life of service. The Saint Paul Public Library and the St. Anthony Park community are very fortunate that he gives his time and commitment to ensure that children and families have a lifelong love of reading.
Volunteers are the Best!
The Friends are proud to support the Saint Paul Public Library’s volunteer program and recognition dinner each year. If you are interested in volunteering at the Saint Paul Public Library, please contact Wendy Neurer, Saint Paul Public Library Volunteer Coordinator, at 651-266-7420 or [email protected].
Click here to learn about volunteer opportunities with The Friends.