Beth Explains: Friends Programming

When we talk about The Friends, we describe our work in three areas of focus – fundraising, advocacy, and programming. Today, I want to share a bit of insight about the amazing programs we produce here at The Friends. 

Did you know The Friends serves as the Minnesota Center for the Book?  

This is a designation we hold from the Library of Congress to promote books, reading, libraries, and literacy throughout Minnesota. Every state and U.S. territory has a Center for the Book, but Minnesota is one of only four nonprofit organizations (and the only Friends group) in the country to be so honored. Most Centers for the Book are either part of their State Library, Humanities Commission, or land grant university.  

What does The Friends actually do as the Minnesota Center for the Book?  

We produce programs that reach every corner of the state through libraries and virtually. Each program celebrates Minnesota’s extraordinary community of writers and connects them with Minnesota readers.  

In this way, our programs contribute to our mission to act as a catalyst for libraries to strengthen and inspire their communities. 

Here is an overview of our most visible programs: 

The Minnesota Book Awards is a year-long program of The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library that connects readers and writers throughout the state with the stories of our neighbors. Through a rigorous judging process, we recognize the previous year’s great books in a variety of categories – from picture books to poetry, memoir to Minnesota nonfiction. The program has many annual components: 

  • The Awards Ceremony (held this year on May 2 at the Ordway – you’re invited!) 
  • Moving Words: Writers Across Minnesota (a statewide tour by Minnesota writers to libraries and schools across the state) 
  • Meet the Finalists: online interviews with the finalists in each category, discussing their work, their genre, and their creative process 
  • Book donation: after each annual cycle of judging wraps up, submitted books are donated to Saint Paul Public Library and libraries across the state.  

One Book | One Minnesota is your statewide book club. Born during the earliest days of the pandemic, One Book is now an established and beloved program that invites Minnesotans of all ages to read a common title and come together virtually. We select a title by a Minnesota author and then make that title available for free, simultaneous digital download to every resident statewide. The book’s author does a virtual program as the capstone for each selection.  

Fireside Reading Series, held for nearly 30 years at a Saint Paul Public Library branch, features some of Minnesota’s finest authors talking about their newest work.  

Fitzgerald in Saint Paul programming celebrates the legacy of arguably our state’s most famous writer: F. Scott Fitzgerald. We offer programs year-round that are inspired by his work and reflect on both his historical and contemporary significance. 

The Minnesota Writer’s Directory is your one-stop shop for Minnesota writers. This interactive directory helps schools, libraries, book clubs, neighborhood organizations, and businesses connect with authors to create events and programming.  

The Minnesota Writers Map is both a print and online map that follows the history of Minnesota’s most revered writers.  

When you support The Friends, you’re doing more than supporting your public library. You’re helping us directly connect Minnesota’s writers and readers to one another every day. Learn more here

