Opus Exclusive: Sadeqa Johnson

We’re so thrilled that Sadeqa Johnson will join us for this year’s Opus & Olives. In preparation for the big event, we asked Sadeqa a few questions to help fans get to know her better. This is an #opusexclusive.

Tell us something that people might not know about you. 

I started my career in publishing as a publicist. I had the pleasure of working with JK Rowling on the first three Harry Potter books.  

What is something you’re proud of about your book and why? 

I’m really proud of The House of Eve because it was inspired by my maternal grandmother’s life. I was also the child who sat at the elders knee listening to their stories. Over the years, she told me bits and pieces of her life growing up in North Philadelphia. My grandmother felt like the black sheep of our family because she got pregnant as a teenager out of wedlock in the early 1950s. I’m so glad that I can honor her memory with this novel. It feels like the story has an angel in heaven watching over it. 

Tell us what you love about libraries. 

Growing up in Philadelphia, I had to pass my local library on the way to school. It was my after school hangout. The librarians knew me by name. When school was out, I would walk to the library every Monday and check out seven books. I read a book a day and then returned the following week to check out seven more. The library was my sanctuary as a child, my safe space and books have always been my window to the world. As a mother, I have fond memories of taking my children to the library for storytime and introducing them to my love of books. 

Meet Sadeqa and the rest of our bestselling lineup in person on October 8 at the RiverCentre in downtown Saint Paul!

