36 Finalists Blog 2024: Cori Doerrfeld

Cori Doerrfeld, author of Beneath

Children’s Literature Category

Each week leading up to the 36th annual Minnesota Book Awards, we are featuring exclusive interviews with our finalists. You can also watch the authors in conversation with their fellow category finalists here.

What is one detail you wanted to include in this book, but couldn’t find a place for?   

I initially wanted a scene where Finn and Grandpa start making a new quilt together but it didn’t work out with the final draft. I think sharing the quilt Finn’s Grandma made still symbolizes how they can remember her together. 

Tell us about someone who proved instrumental to the creation of this book.   

My grandfather who passed away around 10 years ago definitely gave me tremendous inspiration when creating this book. When he met my grandma he only wore a blue top and green pants. (Just like Grandpa in the book) He loved nature and gardening. He was always learning to do something new, like using a loom, building a harpsichord, or sewing! He was the one in my family who created things for us. One of the last things he made was a curtain for my daughter’s nursery. Thinking of him and how our family grieved him in different ways after he passed lead me to the best version of what this story could be and mean. 

Tell us about a favorite read from the past year. Why did you find it enjoyable, insightful, or memorable? 

I had a great experience reading the book to a group of kids and adults and an event held by Cream and Amber in Hopkins, MN. The kids were very engaged and involved. We drew a rabbit together after the event where they decided how it should look, its name, etc. My friend told me that later that night, their daughter said they wanted to make books just like Cori when they grew up. I can never hope for anything better than inspiring kids to want to tell their own stories and create what’s important to them. 

Please tell us something about yourself that is not widely known.

I help lead a fitness class in summer called Pound. It is a cardio class where you use special drumsticks to move to music. Finding that community after feeling like an outsider for years in the physical fitness world is what inspired my newest book, Ready to Soar

Share your thoughts about the role and value of libraries.   

Libraries are essential parts of the community. They not only provide free access to books and information, but become a hub where people can gather, research, and feel safe. My daughter often texts me after school that she and her friends are going to the library across the street. I think making sure everyone has somewhere they can go to find knowledge and resources is a small step towards equality. Not everyone has the means or access to what can be found at the library. 

Cori Doerrfeld is the award-winning author/illustrator of many children’s books, including The Rabbit Listened, a Minnesota Book Award winner. She received her undergrad degree in Studio Art from St. Olaf College and her Post Baccalaureate from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design.

