Jody Lulich, author of In the Company of Grace: A Veterinarian’s Memoir of Trauma and Healing
Memoir & Creative Nonfiction Category, sponsored by Bradshaw Celebration of Life Centers
Each week leading up to the 36th annual Minnesota Book Awards, we are featuring exclusive interviews with our finalists. You can also watch the authors in conversation with their fellow category finalists here.

What is one detail you wanted to include in this book, but couldn’t find a place for?
More animal stories, but they diverted the narrative arc. However, they are great interesting stories.
Tell us about someone who proved instrumental to the creation of this book.
My clients who kept me humble. You do not have much control over disease but you continue to try. Once your book is complete, the author does not have as much control of how the book moves into the hands of those who can get it out into the public.
Tell us about a favorite read from the past year. Why did you find it enjoyable, insightful, or memorable?
The Sweetness of Water by Nathan Harris. I like historical fiction. It demonstrated kindness, resiliency, unique relationships, and trust.

Please tell us something about yourself that is not widely known.
I teach an indoor spin class 2 to 3 times a week for a local fitness chain.
Share your thoughts about the role and value of libraries.
Libraries support the local community by having a place to meet, a place to dream, a place to for literary discovery, a place for information discovery, a place of uninterrupted work, and now a place to support high speed technology to gather information.
Jody Lulich is professor of veterinary clinical services and internal medicine at the University of Minnesota, where he holds the Osborne/Hills Chair in Nephrology/Urology and is director of the Minnesota Urolith Center.