We’re so thrilled that Kirsten Miller will join us for this year’s Opus & Olives. In preparation for the big event, we asked Kirsten a few questions to help fans get to know her better. This is an #OpusExclusive.
Tell us something people might not know about you.
There’s nothing I love more than a good, long walk. It is not uncommon for me to walk 10+ miles a day while exploring the streets of New York (or wherever I happen to be). Over the years, I’ve developed a passionate love of street art. As a matter of fact, my very first novel was never meant to be a book. The protagonist was originally the hero of a street art campaign, but the project fell through. I couldn’t get the character (Kiki Strike) out of my head, so I wrote a book about her.
What is one thing about your book you are proud of and why?
I wrote Lula Dean’s Little Library of Banned Books for everyone—not just a single “type” of reader. I wanted it to be hilarious, entertaining and completely accessible. The book speaks about serious issues, but I hoped it would do so in a way that didn’t feel like lecturing or browbeating. So far, my plan appears to be working! I’ve heard from people from every imaginable background that Lula has opened their eyes, made them think, and left them feeling hopeful about the future. I’m incredibly proud whenever I hear that!
Tell us what you love about libraries.
I believe libraries are humankind’s greatest resource. Even in the digital age, they remain the bedrock of all learning and self-discovery. If libraries are where we go to find out who we can be, every book that’s banned is an opportunity lost and a freedom denied. I’ve been around for quite some time, and I’ve never once heard of anyone being irreparably damaged by a book. I have, however, met countless people who’ve found comfort, enlightenment, inspiration or even salvation in one. And that’s why books and the libraries that house them must be protected at all costs.
Meet Kirsten and the rest of our bestselling lineup in person on October 13 at the RiverCentre in downtown Saint Paul!