We’re so thrilled that Michele Norris will join us for this year’s Opus & Olives. In preparation for the big event, we asked Michele a few questions to help fans get to know her better. This is an #OpusExclusive

Tell us something people might not know about you.
I was an Ice Hockey cheerleader in High School. We would strap our skates on and go out into the middle of the ice and do routines on the ice before they cleared it with the Zamboni machine. Something else you may not know is— I studied Electrical Engineering in college for 3.5 years before changing my major.
What is one thing about your book you are proud of and why?
I’m proud that we were able to curate an amazing selection of 1000 stories, from the 500K+ in The Race Card Project Archives, that represents the mosaic of America. I’m most proud of the way people are using the book to kickstart and sustain difficult conversations. We have a group of book clubs around the country that found us because they wanted to use this book to have difficult conversations. In many cases, they would come together, over food, and continue the discussion over many meetings. And to know that Our Hidden Conversations and The Race Card Project are catalytic in that way they create a bold and a safe space for people to have tough conversations make me incredibly proud.

Tell us what you love about libraries.
I’ve loved libraries since I was a little kid. I love walking into a library building knowing I can travel all over the globe without leaving my zip code. I can meet new people and find new spaces. It’s a world of possibilities. Librarians are like ambassadors. Libraries have always been a safe and comfortable space for me ever since I was a child going to the Hosmer Library in Minneapolis with my big sister Marguerite.

Meet Michele and the rest of our bestselling lineup in person on October 13 at the RiverCentre in downtown Saint Paul!