36 Finalists Blog 2025: Nina Hamza

Nina Hamza, author of Samira’s Worst Best Summer

Middle Grade Literature Category, sponsored by Education Minnesota

Each week leading up to the 37th annual Minnesota Book Awards, we are featuring exclusive interviews with our finalists. You can also watch the authors in conversation with their fellow category finalists here.

What inspired you to write this book – or inspired you while writing it? 

The tree in front of my house was toilet papered years ago. I’m sure it was a non-targeted random prank, but my kids’ first question and concern was whether it was because we are Brown and Muslim. Their concern upset me, and made me think about Belonging and all that entails. 

What is one detail you wanted to include in this book, but couldn’t find a place for? 

I feel my book was already longer than I wanted it to be, so I didn’t hold back on details.The grandfather in the story is based on my father – he, too, loves Rick Astley and Gene Hackman movies. I would have loved to have more of him in the story, but he had no role. As soon as my dad read the book he called and asked me why I killed him off and with such little thought. He still complains about it. 

Tell us about someone (whose name isn’t on the cover!) who proved instrumental to the creation of this book. 

So many people. I’d never have gotten words on the page if I didn’t have my writing group. Of course my agent, my editor, everyone at Quill Tree/Harper Collins. The book is, of course, fiction, but if I’m met you, I’m probably stealing your mannerisms and body language, harvesting them for my writing. The kids are based on my own children, the grandmother is based on my mother. My family complains that nothing they say or do is safe. 

Please tell us something about yourself that is not widely known. (It doesn’t have to be about the book in question – or even about your writing at all!) 

I firmly believe Diet Coke can turn around almost any day. To all the doubters, I encourage you to read Alex Delany’s essay titled “I’m the Drinks Editor at BA and, Yes, My Favorite Beverage is Diet Coke” 

Share your thoughts about the role and value of libraries. 

I’ve been taking my kids to libraries since they were toddlers. One of them has found reading again, and I’m hopeful the other two will come around. My daughter started using our local libraries for research, booking rooms for study time, meeting friends to work together. The librarians were fantastic in helping her find resources and ordering books from other libraries for her. She came home and tried to explain to me how wonderful libraries and librarians are. Dude, I’ve been telling you for years. 

Nina Hamza is a writer and physician who struggles with math, calculating time zones, and parking. She is the author of Ahmed Aziz’s Epic Year, a Minnesota Book Award finalist. 

