36 Finalists Blog: Damone Bester

Damone Bester, author of Mendel

Young Adult Literature Category, sponsored by Expedition Credit Union

Each week leading up to the 35th annual Minnesota Book Awards, we are featuring exclusive interviews with our finalists. You can also watch the authors in conversation with their fellow category finalists here.

Would you tell us one or two things about your finalist book that you are particularly proud of, and why? 

When I set out to write Mendel, I wanted to make an impact as well as entertain. I wanted to craft a work that went beyond enjoyable escapism. I wanted to pen something, dare I say, life changing. Someone shared with me that after her grandson read Mendel he said, “If BJ (the main character) can forgive all the people that wronged him, how can I not forgive my parents?” That is impactful. That’s what I’m most proud of about Mendel

What advice would you give to an aspiring writer with an interest in your category? 

If I could give an aspiring writer, who wants to be traditionally published, advice it would be; don’t go at it alone. Search out and find the right mentor for you, an agent, manager, editor, writer who’s already published. I could give advice on the Young Adult genre, but it does you absolutely no good if your work isn’t seen. A great mentor will help you and your work get seen! 

Tell us about a favorite book. Why did you find it moving, influential, or otherwise memorable? 

One of my favorite books is: The Chronicles of Narnia, the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, by C. S. Lewis. The tagline on back of the book states it best, “They open a door and enter a world.” I loved the human characters and how they meshed with the unknown world of Narnia characters. Also, it’s very visual. If I can’t “see” it, I can’t believe it or be drawn into the new world. 

Tell us something about yourself that is not widely known.

I am a collector of keys. I have rings of old keys that were part of my life, for instance, old apartment keys, old keys to cars I no longer have, keys to the house I grew up in as a teen, etc. So, why do I keep all of these keys? Well, keys open doors! For me, having keys is symbolic, that no door is truly locked. No goal or dream is unattainable for me, I just have to find the right key. 

The Minnesota Book Awards is a celebration of writers, readers – and libraries. We’d love if you would share thoughts about the role and value of libraries.

Libraries have always felt sacred to me. Even as a kid, remembering the smell of old books, and learning how to use the card catalog and Dewey Decimal System. From elementary school to high school, to university, and as an adult working for Dakota County and visiting the County libraries to meet with clients. Libraries have always been a special place to gather, to research a topic or to just be around walls of greatness. And it always will be. Quiet please. 

Damone Bester is an author, poet, aspiring screenwriter, and voiceover artist. He has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Illinois State University and has spent most of his profession in the Social Services sector.  

